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展会 | ICMCTF 国际冶金涂层与薄膜会议

Author:TIAOVON                     Date:2018-04-24

Welcome to the 2018 ICMCTF Conference & Exhibition


第45届ICMCTF国际冶金涂层与薄膜会议(International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films)于4月23日-27日在美国圣地亚哥召开,来自美国、德国、瑞典、日本、中国等30个国家和地区的700余位专家学者参加了此次研讨会。


ICMCTF is the premier international conference in the field of thin film deposition, characterization and advanced surface engineering promoting global exchange of ideas and information among scientists, technologists, and manufacturers. The conference includes more than 60 high profile invited speakers across fourteen symposia along with focused topic sessions, short courses, equipment exhibition, social networking events and an extensive poster session.


国际冶金涂层薄膜会议,ICMCTF是一个国际性的技术会议,集成了薄膜沉积,表征和高级表面改性技术的基础和应用研究。美国AJA International, Inc专注PVD薄膜领域近30年,应邀参展了此次盛会。欢迎各位新老朋友莅临参观和交流。

